Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Random Fact-contribution

So I couldn't really think of anything to post today, and when I decided to post a Random Fact. I recently watched an episode of Vsauce, a popular youtube series, and was given today's fact. Did you know that the internet has a weight? That's right. Every email you've sent, every profile picture you've put on Facebook, this post you're reading right now, has added to the weight of the internet. At this point, it weighs about 50 grams, which is about the weight of a strawberry. When you think about how large the internet is, an email is pretty tiny, but hey, it still contributes to the 50 grams. Quite a noble cause, increasing the weight of the internet. You can contribute anywhere, in fact you probably already did today. join the cause. Contribute to the strawberry from within the cubicle.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Unexpected

hvbfidvyrbvfa....... Whoa, sorry about that. I just fell asleep there for a second and my head smashed the keyboard. Today is definitely a long day. Thanksgiving has come and gone and it's time to get back to the usual order of things. Smacking my face against the keys was so unexpected, and thats my topic today. the Unexpected. Weekdays are so routine for most of society. I mean REALLY routine. The only thing that changes for me everyday is the lunch (although because I'm having leftover turkey sandwiches for about two months, that creativity boat has sailed). Well I have a suggestion. Since we want something unexpected, try this experiment.
            Find about thirty pictures that make you laugh. Like the kind that you can't stop laughing at. Print them all out and then shuffle them in a random order. For the next thirty days, pick one at random and put it somewhere where it can easily be seen. Do this until all your pictures run out, and then the next month, hey, do it again. Just a little experiment to see if it can help you stay awake within a cubicle.

This is a good example

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Thanksgiving is coming up fast. It is a great time to catch up with family and friends and, of course, gorge ourselves with a turkey. Thinking about all this made me realize something. Today's topic is on sustenance. Picture this, you forgot your lunch on the way to work and you don't want to pay a dollar fifty for the crap they have stashed in the vending machine. At this point you'll have to resort to the next best thing. SNACKS!! You never realize how important they are until you forget them and feel like Frodo Baggins carrying the ring to Mordor. Today I learned a great lesson. I forgot to bring a snack and was ready to keel over (man this is a first world country) when some friends came through for me and brought me a taco. This really makes you realize how important snacks really are. oh well, hope this advice helps. Do everyone a favor and don't die of hunger within a cubicle.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sticky Notes

No matter where you are, home or work, you're bound to have access to a simple everyday product. Sticky Notes. Although small, these can be a great way to relieve stress from a hard day or provide a little entertainment during a long day at the desk. The simplest way to gain some entertainment from a sticky note is to simply crumple one up and aim for the trash bin. However, if you want a good way to annoy the person sitting next to you, try this. That's right. A sticky note airplane. Refer to the instructions below. Sorry they're so small, but all you really need to do is look at the pictures. They should give you a good idea about how to make your airplane...

Once again, this is a desperate way to have a little fun. At best, it helps you kill a few minutes within a cubicle.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Standing in line

Well, today is election day. And for a good chunk of you who are reading this, that means standing in line for a good two or even three hours. If there were was a time to find ways to keep yourself occupied, it would be now. These few ideas can be used anywhere, whether it's waiting in line to vote, get movie tickets, or your turn on that Disneyland ride you loved so much you got back in line a second time. These ideas may sound boring, but when your legs are shaking from an hour in a line, you start to get desperate.

Things to do in line

1) I guess first on this list would be the use of a cell phone. Text friends or fool around with the settings. If you have an iphone or something along those lines (lines...heheh), download a few of those free apps before you leave your home. They may be crappy, but you can delete them after you've played them.

2) Say your cell phone dies. Now what. This next idea only works if you are next to a road. I used to enjoy this game as a kid. Take a small wrapper or even a tiny rock. Wait for a car to drive down the road. When it is a good 10 to 15 seconds away, throw your small item into the road. If the car drives over your item, you win. I'm not sure exactly what you win, but come on, it's a good way to keep yourself occupied.

3) Play I-spy......... no... never mind don't do that.

3 again) As a kid, we all remember when we threw something towards the teacher's board at school, then acted like we didn't do it. Well yeah, I'm suggesting that now. Nothing is more fun than throwing a wrapper curve ball at an unsuspecting victim ahead of you in line. Make sure you only throw one item or people WILL get suspicious. You only make that mistake once...

Well I hope this helps you in line. Sure they're stupid ideas, but your going to get desperate. Oh well, at least it's better than a day Within a Cubicle.

Monday, November 5, 2012

There are many points in our lives when we are bored. In many cases, these dull moments happen at school or at the office. It took me a while, but I believe I've discovered where any boring moment originates. The legendary Cubicle. Spreading a wave of boring and dull attitude over the world like a monstrous grey tsunami. I've created this blog in an attempt to provide a little happiness to those poor souls forced to work in a 6 square ft. box with no connection to society other than their computer. That doesn't mean you cannot read this blog anywhere else. If at any moment, High school, college, or the cubicle, you feel you may be driven to insanity due to a dull and seemingly never ending moment, check out this blog. I will do my best to give you a spark of life within a lifeless environment. Until then, good luck Within The Cubicle...