Monday, November 5, 2012

There are many points in our lives when we are bored. In many cases, these dull moments happen at school or at the office. It took me a while, but I believe I've discovered where any boring moment originates. The legendary Cubicle. Spreading a wave of boring and dull attitude over the world like a monstrous grey tsunami. I've created this blog in an attempt to provide a little happiness to those poor souls forced to work in a 6 square ft. box with no connection to society other than their computer. That doesn't mean you cannot read this blog anywhere else. If at any moment, High school, college, or the cubicle, you feel you may be driven to insanity due to a dull and seemingly never ending moment, check out this blog. I will do my best to give you a spark of life within a lifeless environment. Until then, good luck Within The Cubicle...

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