Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Random Fact-contribution

So I couldn't really think of anything to post today, and when I decided to post a Random Fact. I recently watched an episode of Vsauce, a popular youtube series, and was given today's fact. Did you know that the internet has a weight? That's right. Every email you've sent, every profile picture you've put on Facebook, this post you're reading right now, has added to the weight of the internet. At this point, it weighs about 50 grams, which is about the weight of a strawberry. When you think about how large the internet is, an email is pretty tiny, but hey, it still contributes to the 50 grams. Quite a noble cause, increasing the weight of the internet. You can contribute anywhere, in fact you probably already did today. join the cause. Contribute to the strawberry from within the cubicle.

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